Easter Bunnies and Rabbit Sculptures

For over 300 years, we have had a tradition of the Easter Bunny. As with any 300+ year tradition, there is a huge range of ideas and stories around the Easter Bunny. It seems to have orginated in Germany, and originally the Easter Bunny was judging if children had behaved or not, a bit like Santa Claus or St Nicholas is doing today.

Decorated Easter eggs seems to come from Ukraine, or the Rus kingdom that was there before, and there are depictions of eggs from about 1000 years ago.

The other link between hares or rabbits and this time of year is the English saying "Mad as a March Hare". It apparently comes from hares behaving erratically around the breeding season that starts around March. The most famous mad hare is the tea party-loving March Hare from Alice in Wonderland.

If you want your own Easter bunny or March hare, you might find sculptures on Etsy or eBay. Whilst if you are looking for a sculpture of your own favourite bunny, you can read about how Arty Lobster makes them here.

And just some memes and images from the Rabbit Ramblings blog:

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